We act for you

With passion for each unique individual, we make sure to find your place in the labor market. We prioritize you and your career.




We do our outmost to make your professional dreams come true...


by believing in your competence, we help you...


to act together for your professional career.

Person från konsultbolag i Stockholm med laptop som samtidigt tittar på sin telefon

About us

Agiremus is a consulting company that delivers professional expertise through our partners.

Since 2015, we have helped many to enter the labor market and reach their career goals all over Sweden. Agiremus was founded by Emanuel Restaino with the goal of having people in the center and constantly striving to create and present work opportunities according to each individual's conditions and preferences.

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This is how we work

We work intensively to acquainted with the person behind a CV.

We prioritize you and your career.

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Vacant assignments

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Spontaneous application - We are always looking for new talents.


If you want to come in contact with us, don't hesitate to reach out!